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Oh, they knew it, il mio amico...don't be misled, and yes, Pauly, I'd like Angelini to be il nostro salvatore!
I'm not too disheartened overall, I thought our 4-3-1-2 had us playing with much more enthusiasm today than of late and frankly, I would consider our having come away from Sardegna empty handed an injustice given our efforts!
As for our gallant Capitan'...
He may have lost his pace which costs him (and us) elsewhere on the field but in his goal scoring situation it took the composure only a true class player has to finish as he did! Let's not kid ourselves, many many others would have blown that chance. Totti made it seem so easy!
As for old concrete boots...we deserved Perrotta's goal on the balance of play alone.
Regarding the "Fair Play" issue...as we know, that happens at the referee's discretion and if he was content to continue, then no argument, a legal legitimate goal! Cagliari can say nothing...
Yes, I can subscribe to the opinion of perhaps losing the Europa cup next season as being a distraction from taking a CL place because as we stand, it's still an "as you were" situation, no change except for possibly our mister, perhaps Mexes to Milan and maybe one or two others going elsewhere with replacements yet again coming from the bargain basement!
I'd just like to add I'd prefer us however to be in the Europa cup because I think we will be worthy Italian representatives. It will still also bring us a modest purse, don't forget, and a little prestige.
Tommaso, I know I go on about Rudi V's Euefa cup Roma of the early 90's being enjoyable enough to watch as an example, and yes, I too would rather have the one that matters, the CL. But we're facing a, let's say, period of adjustment situation, don't you think? A rebuild takes time on a modest budget, especially with a pig headed selfish padrone holding the wallet...and I don't care what anybody says to the contrary, that wallet has a false bottom. Whenever she goes it's with a load of money irrespective of circumstance...and while she stays, she has her priorities over just what that money is spent on in much debatable order!
An afterthought on Artur...and how I wish he was! Is it even worth mentioning that his arm flapping attempt to stop what eventually became Aquafresca's goal is the kind of thing "Goalkeepers' Nightmares" video clips are made of?
To start the day on a positive note, its nice to know that Roma won't be in the CL again until 2010, presuming we qualify, as And more good news:
Ora è ufficiale. La Roma il prossimo anno non parteciperàalla Champions League. Anche la matematica condanna la formazione giallorossa. Oramai resta da raggiungere solamente l'Europa League, dove si dovràlottare con Palermo, Cagliari e, a questo punto, anche Udinese che viene da 5 vittorie consecutive. Alla ripresa degli allenamenti, fissata per domani mattina alle ore 11, ci saranno da valutare le condizioni di Tonetto e Cassetti, usciti malconci dal Sant'Elia. Possibili problemi anche per Vucinic che ha subito un duro colpo al ginocchio destro. Capitolo Aquilani: l'operazione è inevitabile. Il principino, tormentato dai fastidi alla caviglia, intorno a metàmaggio andràsotto i ferri. Doni invece è giàvolato in Belgio dove domani verràoperato dal Dott. Martens. Procede molto bene il recupero di Cicinho, l'esterno brasiliano sta bruciando le tappe. Saràpronto giàper il ritiro estivo.
Problems for Vucinic with his dodgy ginocchio once again, which presumably more tests will have to be done, but its not good. Aquilani is definitley going to have an operation on his ankle later this month, while Doni will go to Belgium for an operation tomorrow. Cicinho is still reocovering and is aiming for a summer return.
To be fair, edzo, it could be worse - we could have had these injury problems earlier in the season. Oh, yeah, we did. Still, perhaps there's a chance a few of these things can finally be sorted out over the summer and we can start the new season with a clean bill of health. Until Vooch's other knee goes, the little eagle pulls another heart-string, and Taddei and Perrotta collide with each other and Juan, Mexes, Totti, and Spags in a simple keep-ball drill and all go down for 4 years.
Seems like there's a new party interested in acquiring Roma – this Giampaolo Angelucci, who's name has been mentioned in the past, it seems. He's some millionaire involved in private health care or somesuch, and it mentions he's also involved in Unicredit somehow.
The article also says Francesco Angelini (not to be confused with Angelucci) could make a formal offer for Roma within three weeks.
ROMA, C´È ANCHE ANGELUCCI – pubblicata lunedì 11 maggio 2009
Secondo Il Corriere dello Sport, si apre oggi una settimana importante per il futuro della società. Francesco Angelini è convinto ad andare avanti. L'industriale farmaceutico aveva avuto negli anni passati contatti a livello legale, si era mosso per suo conto anche un altro imprenditore, Sparago, legato ad Angelini da vincoli di parentela.
ANGELINI - Entro tre settimane dovrebbe arrivare a formulare un'offerta, direttamente alla banca, vicina al valore nominale di Borsa della società. La famiglia ad Angelini non ha posto freni all'eventuale operazione, ma l'imprenditore romano si è confrontato con il management della sua azienda. Il fatto che questa volta voglia fare sul serio per tentare la scalata alla Roma lo dimostra la sua scesa in campo. Fino a tre anni fa era stato sponsor istituzionale della societàgiallorossa. Quando cominciò a circolare il suo interessamento per il club, non rinnovò l'abbinamento pubblicitario. Angelini prosegue le verifiche a livello bancario e ha alcune idee sulla ristrutturazione societaria, così come ha "un'eccellente considerazione" di Spalletti.
FIORANELLI - A differenza di Angelini la cordata capeggiata da Fioranelli ha preso contatti direttamente con la famiglia Sensi. Il gruppo svizzero-tedesco continua le sue valutazioni, attraverso lo studio Irti. L'offerta che potrebbe formulare sarebbe la più competitiva.
ANGELUCCI - Negli ultimi giorni alla banca ha chiesto informazioni sulla Roma anche Giampaolo Angelucci, l'amministratore delegato della holding di famiglia, che opera nel ramo della sanitàe dell'editoria. Anche il suo nome era circolato negli anni passati. Angelucci ha il tre per cento di Unicredit e quindi ha un'importante voce in capitolo nelle attivitàdell'istituto di credito. Anche Angelucci intende concorrere da solo e non entrare a far parte di cordate.
Thanks for the info Italiamia. Thank goodness he rejected that he was interested in Roma. Someone corrupted as him I don't want as owner of a team I love/like.
Angelini got all the cards now I guess. Fioranello won't make an offer with the Swiss/German group I'm certain of. Otherwise we would have heard it by now. The only problem is that Sensi doesn't want to sell. The other 2 sisters are like sell it but I can see her standpoint about it. It's hard to give up something that you really love and she loves Roma but since she is cash strapped there is no future for Roma to become great again. The cycle Spalletti ended it's course IMO. He got the best out of average players like Taddei, Cassetti, Tonetto etc and we played great football.
Is it time for a new coach? Can Spalletti still get something out of this squad? If I read correctly, Angelini wants to give him one more season. But if that happens who knows. New coach means new staff, new trainingstuff, new tactics... In other words we would be rebuilding again and I doubt we see results right away.
If Angelini makes a right offer... I think he is studying everything good right now, the debt, the profits Roma makes, the value of the team... There is so much more to do with Roma.. Marketing campaigns, good merchandising.. You got 2 Romans who could become coverboys for this team. I still wonder why Sensi didn't do nothing with the merchandising and whatnot. Much more to profit from there. And yes why Sensi doesn't want to sell is that the money won't get into her pockets but to the banks .
One more thing, why can't English clubs groom there own talents but steals from outside England?
Why Deini? Because English talent is expensive (see Gareth Bale), unproven (like all youth talent that's the risk), and not technically strong enough (numerous critisicms about this in the UK ie. technical abilities are not stressed in develpment enough)..
So you can get cheaper talent that is technically gifted from abroad. Why not?
Well said Jamoldo. I mean, if your struggling with your own vegetable patch in your garden, there's absolutely nothing wrong with stealing your neighbours vegetables from his patch and leaving a few cent in the dirt, right?