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L’Imperatore vive a San Fermo da quasi quattro anni, in fondo ad una strada stretta e molto ripida che accoglie una ventina di villette a schiera. Il suo arrivo se lo ricordano ancora. Venne annunciato da un enorme camion che rimase incastrato in una curva a causa della neve: trasportava un enorme biliardo, uno dei passatempi preferiti dell’attaccante. L’impatto con il vicinato inizialmente fu ottimo. Racconta il sindaco: «I ragazzini gli suonavano il campanello per chiedergli l’autografo, lui li faceva entrare in casa e gli offriva pure la Coca Cola». Ogni suo gol era accolto con gioia. Dopo la tripletta al Porto in Champions League nel marzo del 2005, un giovane tifoso espose fuori dalla sua abitazione un piccolo striscione celebrativo. Adriano appena lo vide bussò alla sua porta per dire grazie. La stessa persona oggi non rimetterebbe fuori lo stesso cartello. L’amore per l’Inter è rimasto intatto, quello per il brasiliano è scomparso, come le sue reti. Adriano ha alzato un muro con l’esterno spirituale e materiale. Ha iniziato a ristrutturare la sua casa e il suo comportamento. La siepe che circondava la sua abitazione, ad esempio, un anno e mezzo fa è stata sostituita da un enorme cancellata di ferro color grigio scuro, il campanello amico si è invece trasformato in un videocitofono con il codice. Impossibile suonare senza conoscere la «formula segreta». Adriano ha deciso anche di ampliare la zona divertimenti, costruendo una piscina super accessoriata e una discoteca insonorizzata: «Il problema è che di notte tiene sempre le finestre aperte e d’estate è sempre in giardino» hanno raccontato al sindaco.
La pazienza ultimamente sembra non bastare più. Per due volte sono arrivati addirittura i carabinieri per interrompere degli schiamazzi notturni, una famiglia che vive a duecento metri dal brasiliano rintontita della musica assordante sparata alle tre di notte, ha preso in mano il telefono e ha provato a mettersi in contatto con Moratti negli uffici della Saras. Ha risposto la segretaria che ha raccolto lo sfogo e l’ha riferito parola per parola al presidente. Neanche questo è bastato per bloccare la movida. Pare che a ferragosto la situazione sia degenerata. Alle cinque del mattino i ragazzi che tornavano dalla discoteca si sono dovuto sorbire un karaoke in brasiliano che ha costretto ad una lunga veglia i genitori. «Almeno ci invitasse a queste feste…» hanno raccontato esasperati. Da quel momento le adesioni al partito «cacciamo Adriano» sono diventate più massicce e c’è chi ha proposto anche una raccolta di firme. Hanno detto tutti sì, ad eccezione di una famiglia, il cui padre è diventato grandissimo amico di Adriano. Lo accompagna alla Pinetina, vive a stretto contatto con lui ed è il benvenuto ogni qualvolta viene organizzata una grigliata in piscina. Il sindaco ascolteràanche lui, ma ci tiene a risolvere una volta per tutte la situazione: «Presto convocherò Adriano in Comune per parlarci, voglio sentire anche la sua versione. E se davvero ci sono dei problemi metterò dei paletti ben precisi. In una comunitàbisogna tener conto delle esigenze dei tutti. Quelle dei giovani ma anche quelle delle persone più anziane». Mascetti è comunque meravigliato: «Non mi aspettavo che ci fossero tutti questi problemi, conosco Adriano ed è una persona veramente piacevole. Tre anni fa accettò con entusiasmo di partecipare ad una manifestazione sportiva e fu eletto socio onorario. Mi ricordo che firmò più di trecento autografi».
Adesso Adriano sfreccia alternando Porsche e Ferrari con sguardo torvo e poca voglia di salutare. Dicono che ha sempre la casa piena di ragazzi e ragazze brasiliane e che raramente si ferma a chiacchierare. Da qualche giorno poi la sua enorme villa bianca è accerchiata da telecamere e giornalisti ma lui non se ne cura. Sabato sera ha guardato la partita dell’Inter contro l’Empoli in tv e furibondo per l’esclusione dalla lista Champions ha ascoltando pure le dichiarazioni di Mancini. Anche ieri è rimasto chiuso in casa in infradito e costume da bagno e ha aperto la porta di casa soltanto per fare uscire un paio d’amici. Quando ha visto le telecamere si è spazientito. La gente dal balcone osserva i suoi movimenti e fa spallucce: «Quando lo vediamo entrare nel suo parcheggio carico di sacchi di carbonella iniziamo a preoccuparci». San Fermo del resto si trova a pochi passi dalla Svizzera, mica dal Brasile dove c’è il Carnevale di Rio.
MILAN - Fifteen Inter players have been called up to their national teams for upcoming Euro 2008 and U21 Euro 2009 qualifiers and friendly matches. Here's the fixture schedule:
First team players
Enrico Alfonso: Under 20 v Switzerland U20 (Four Nations Tournament, 9/9, Lugano)
Nicolas Burdisso, Javier Zanetti: Australia v Argentina (friendly, 11/9, Melbourne)
Julio Cesar, Maicon: USA v Brazil (friendly, 9/9, Chicago); Brazil v Mexico (friendly, 12/9, Boston)
Cristian Chivu: Romania v Belarus (Euro 2008 qualifier, 8/9, Minsk); Germany v Romania (friendly, 12/9, Cologne)
Zlatan Ibrahimovic: Sweden v Denmark (Euro 2008 qualifier, 8/9, Solna); Montenegro v Sweden (friendly, 12/9, Podgorica)
Luis Jimenez: Switzerland v Chile (friendly, 7/9, Vienna); Austria v Chile (friendly, 11/9, Vienna)
Ibrahim Maaroufi: Belgium U21 v Austria U21 (U21 Euro 2009 qualifier, 7/9, Mechelen); Iceland U21 v Belgium U21 (U21 Euro 2009 qualifier, 11/9, Reykjavik)
This really sucks......Most of the fiest is away and there goes the chances of getting them back to 100% fit.....and everyone is playing two games....sh*t....
Why is vieria called up.....He is not fit then what part is he going to play.....
we just have to hope that there are no more injuries.....
Giacinto Facchetti, 18/7/1942 - 4/9/2006 Tuesday, 04 September 2007 00:12:01
[FOTO Tuesday, 04 September 2007 00:12:01]
"Giacinto Facchetti is no longer with us. He will always be greatly missed. It might seem an instinctive feeling, but it is the truth. Facchetti is missed at important times when you need someone to solve a problem with. He is missed, and he is missed so much from a human point of view because he had the ability to listen. Maybe I would be angry or he would be angry, but he could still slowly defuse the anger and rebuild something useful for an environment that he knew very well.
"In this first year without him, Giacinto would have liked to see all these youngsters we have at Inter. He would have been happy to see the Primavera's triumph in the championship and the growth of the academy and its continuous search for a few players for the first team. And he would have liked to see the Scudetto and the great character the team showed last season. He would have liked it because it was and has to be like what he knew when he played for Inter.
"Of what Facchetti taught us, we must never forget the discipline, which for him was a natural togetherness of honesty, loyalty and politeness in relationships. Some people take offence and say 'but at Inter they talk of honesty...', but it's not to flaunt our honesty. No one must ever flaunt it. But referred to Facchetti it was and is very instinctive and natural, just like it was for him, for his way of seeing things with a precise, almost mathematical order. And it is this that is missed. It's something that may seem natural, but actually it is never natural or normal."
Moratti: "Not tired of Adriano" Monday, 03 September 2007 15:42:09
[FOTO Monday, 03 September 2007 15:42:09]
MILAN - In a lunchtime interview with journalists outside the Saras offices, Inter president Massimo Moratti answered questions on the victory over Empoli, the Adriano situation, Alvaro Recoba's loan transfer to Torino and Juventus' start to the championship:
Dr Moratti: let's start with Inter's victory at Empoli. Were you expecting a good reaction from the team? "It was a good performance for this stage of the season. It was necessary to give a reply, and we did. We took some risks during the match but generally speaking we did well. We're gradually starting to see again those characteristics that saw us win last season."
Are you surprised by the exclusion of Adriano from the 2007/08 Champions League list? "No, I'm not surprised. It was a decision we took unanimously and reluctantly, but taken because of the situation we are in, with a total lack of defenders and therefore the necessity to have at least one on the bench. And we needed to have a midfielder with Champions League experience and the seriousness that Solari has always shown. We were forced to take this decision which is not against the player. Quite the opposite. We want to give him the chance to improve quickly so he can help us if we continue in the European Cup and give his contribution in the championship."
Adriano has spoken a lot and not kept his promises. Don't you fear that by now he's a player beyond recovery? "Absolutely not. It's not true that he spoke and didn't keep his promises, it's certainly not easy to find yourself in certain situations. It's not easy to get through them, and the boy is doing well in training and all the rest. With the help of all of us, he will be able to improve in every aspect. Adriano has found himself in a situation that's difficult psychologically but it's not as if he has behaved badly. He's trying to overcome his problems and he definitely will do."
Have you spoken with him in these days? "No."
What needs to be done to get him back in form? Inter have already done a lot. "It's not as if we are tired of what we have done and are still doing. Quite the opposite. As happens in life, it's always wrong to think you have done enough because we certainly haven't done enough. With our affection and regard, and the practical aspects, he will certainly get through this situation soon. There's media attention at the moment because his exclusion from the Champions League list is significant, but it's only significant from a formal point of view. Fundamentally the champion is worth a great deal and I consider him very important. He will help us win the championship."
Have you read the reports about Adriano's neighbours complaining about his extreme behaviour? "People are always ready to pass judgement when someone is in the firing line. But it may be that something happened."
They say the situation wasn't like this when he moved there. Could there have been a change in this past year? "Look, I'm neither a journalist nor a psychologist. There might just have been a false friend from a background that might have seemed nicer or cleaner. But in truth there can be people who exploit friendships for money, and this could have happened to him. But he's an intelligent lad so he will get through it."
Alvaro Recoba said that at Inter it was only Moratti who wanted him... "At Inter only Moratti wanted him? No, this is not true. He was considered for what he was, a great champion who was hard to insert tactically, or whatever other reason. But it's true that I had a special liking for him and I hope he can show his value at Torino."
Did you see him play yesterday? "No, I didn't see him. I saw some highlights last night and was pleased to read good reports. I'm pleased to have the chance to follow another team as well."
Were you expecting Juventus to collect six points from their first two matches? "Exactly, it's just two matches... But yes, I was expecting it because Juventus have considerable strength. This is very important, and I too have always said they needed this, pride and the support of their fans. No one can take this away from them, and thanks to this they have managed to get these two results. It wasn't an easy moment to give this demonstration, so congratulations to the players and the coach."
Juventus are back in Serie A and Cagliari president Massimo Cellino has already complained about the refereeing. Are we back to where we were two years ago? "No. Let's make it clear that the refereeing mistakes in the past were not coincidental, but they can be now."
MLS sides order Coco Wednesday 5 September, 2007
Inter outcast Francesco Coco is set to restart his career in the USA, according to Press reports in the peninsula.
The 30-year-old defender was once regarded as one of Italy’s most promising stoppers, but has seen his career stall spectacularly in recent years.
The Sicilian has spent the vast majority of his career on loan while owned by Milan and Inter and played just three games for Livorno last term.
While a persistent back injury has hindered him in recent years, the main problem for Coco has been allegations of unprofessional conduct and his notorious celebrity lifestyle.
It has now been suggested by Tuttosport that he has received an offer from MLS sides New England Revolution and New York Red Bulls.
Coach Roberto Mancini has made it clear that Coco does not feature in his plans and it seems likely that the ex-Azzurri man will end his 14-year stay in Milan in January.