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There is a lot of news coming out today about Thohir having a five year plan to turn us from being a club in loss to one producing revenues of 250m, which he says is the average of the top 15 European clubs. Anyone can explain on what exactly the plan is or any good articles on that?
Inter: scissione e rifinanziamento estero, il club in 5 anni si gioca tutto
01 maggio alle 12:00 La rivoluzione di Erick Thohir nei prossimi mesi cambierà radicalmente il volto dell’Inter alla ricerca di un rilancio internazionale. Ma non tutti i dubbi (finanziari) sono fugati. Anzi. La sensazione è che il club nerazzurro, mai come prima in passato, sia seduto davanti alla propria Storia e dovrà trovare da solo la forza di rialzarsi e rimettersi a correre. Pena il fallimento. Nessun mecenate potrà soccorrerlo. Perché le regole del fair play finanziario prescrivono la creazione di club autonomi e autosufficienti. E perché il magnate indonesiano non ha alcuna intenzione di emulare Massimo Moratti che nei suoi 18 anni di presidente ha staccato assegni per 1, 2 miliardi di euro.
MOSSE SOCIETARIE - Dunque, per far fronte all’indebitamento e per sostenere le iniziative di sviluppo del club Fc Internazionale Spa sarà scissa in due altre società. Nella prima, come ha illustrato Thohir al termine dell’assemblea dei soci, denominata provvisoriamente “MediaCo.”, finiranno i contratti relativi ai diritti tv e alle sponsorizzazioni (incluso quello appena firmato con Infront Italy). Nella seconda confluiranno le attività di merchandising, le Accademie, l’organizzazione degli eventi e il ticketing di San Siro. Non è stato chiarito invece come verranno distribuiti i beni patrimoniali dell’Inter, vale a dire gli immobili e i contratti dei calciatori (Appiano Gentile e sede sono iscritti a bilancio per un valore di 13 milioni e i diritti pluriennali dei giocatori per circa 144 milioni). Né come e per quale percentuale saranno saldati gli attuali debiti ed eventualmente su quale società peseranno. Ma molto probabilmente sarà la seconda, considerando che la “MediaCo.” dovrà fungere da asset di garanzia per un pool di fondi di investimento e banche estere, le cui fila dovrebbero essere tirate da Goldman Sachs, chiamate a sostenere l’Inter con un piano di finanziamento di cinque anni. “Agli istituti – ha spiegato Thohir – il business plan è piaciuto, credono nel progetto e lo ritengono sufficientemente prudente. Abbiamo tre pilastri: aumentare i ricavi, disciplina a livello finanziario con salari inferiori al 50% dei ricavi e presenza globale”.
RIFINANZIAMENTO - Stando a quanto trapelato finora si parla di un piano di rifinanziamento da circa 250 milioni, che dovrebbero essere utilizzati in primo luogo per sostituire le garanzie prestate personalmente da Moratti (per circa 80 milioni) e le linee di credito aperte presso banche italiane (Intesa Sanpaolo, Bpm e Banco popolare soprattutto) anche attraverso operazioni di factoring (vale a dire di anticipi sui futuri introiti legati ai diritti tv e alle principali sponsorizzazioni), per complessivi 180/190 milioni. In secondo luogo per far fronte alla gestione corrente che brucia 60/70 milioni all’anno.
VECCHI E NUOVI DEBITI - Al 30 giugno 2013 l’Inter aveva debiti totali per 432 milioni (a fronte di crediti per 145 milioni). I debiti verso banche erano pari a 91 milioni, quelli verso il Credito Sportivo a 15,6 milioni, i debiti per cessioni pro soluto ammontavano a 50 milioni, i debiti verso altri club nazionali a 93 milioni (compensati da crediti per 72 milioni) e quelli verso club stranieri a 23 milioni. Infine, i debiti verso i fornitori pesavano per 73 milioni (di cui 35 per commissioni verso gli agenti Fifa). Proprio questi ultimi sarebbero in aumento negli ultimi mesi (anche perché la Covisoc controlla solo il regolare pagamento di stipendi e debiti tributari ai fini delle sanzioni) con ritardi crescenti nei pagamenti. Segnale di una crisi di liquidità o della scelta di addivenire a rinegoziazioni dei contratti passati ritenuti troppo onerosi. In ogni caso, non un segnale incoraggiante.
SCOMMESSA - La sostituzione delle garanzie di Moratti e la chiusura dei vecchi debiti è parte integrante dell’accordo relativo alla cessione del 70% dell’Inter ratificata a novembre, oltre alla ricapitalizzazione già effettuata da Thohir per 75 milioni. L’operazione di rifinanziamento – si è parlato tecnicamente di una secured transaction, tipica forma di prestito garantito da un’attività imprenditoriale diffusa nel sistema Usa – prevede che se il debitore non riesce ad onorare i debiti, i creditori possano rivalersi direttamente sulla società, entrandone in possesso. Sarà quindi l’Inter a garantire l’Inter, come più volte ha rimarcato lo stesso Thohir. Il club nerazzurro dovrà dunque trasformarsi rapidamente in un’azienda capace di realizzare ricavi per oltre 250 milioni (contro i 170 operativi del 2013) e macinare utili (contro un rosso che nel 2013 ha toccato quota 80 milioni). Una scommessa ambiziosa che Thohir e i suoi soci e sostenitori sono convinti di poter vincere.
Javier Zanetti has announced that he will retire from football at the age of 40 and after 19 seasons with Inter.
The Argentine began his career in 1992 with Talleres RE before a move to Banfield a year later and then the 1995 switch out to Inter, as Massimo Moratti’s first signing as club President.
On from last week’s indications from Moratti’s successor Erick Thohir that the full-back and midfielder would now step into management and the player’s own admission that he was unsure of his future on the field, today’s confirmation has arrived.
Speaking to Argentine newspaper La Nacion, Pupi has explained the reasons for stepping away from a 22-year playing career.
“Because I feel that now is the right time to do it,” Zanetti reflected in the interview released today.
“Because football has given me so much and I have enjoyed every moment. Because after the Achilles injury last April, I wanted to demonstrate that I could return and be competitive, but I could not.
“I feel complete and have realised - to retire at 40 is a priceless feeling. For me it is something that has immense value, and now is the right time.
“Do I fear life after this? No, there is no fear. Certainly I will miss certain things, certain aspects of the routine of a player, the moments in the dressing room and especially the competition.
“Yet I think that the fear must be for those who do not know how to occupy their new free time and fortunately in this I have resolved the issue.
“It is clear that nothing will be as before, but I am ready because I will continue in the world of football and this will keep me alive.”
Zanetti was asked if his reputed new role behind the scenes with the Nerazzurri will see him more regularly pictured in a suit and tie.
“I hope that is not necessary. I dreamed of finishing my career at Inter, in my home, and I have. It was a lifestyle decision to end the career in Italy, and now, in the function of a sporting manager, I will try to be useful to the team away from the field.
“A new world opens for me, and that excites me. There will be a thousand things to do.”
Zanetti was asked which games from his career he would play again, if possible.
“Two, one to enjoy and another to change the fate. I would play again the 2010 Champions League Final, to relive the magical night at the Bernabeu.
“And I would give everything to replay the game against Sweden, the one that cost us the elimination from the World Cup in Japan.”
This is what I've always admired in Zanetti. Without having great feet, great technique, great speed or anything, he's shaped his career the way he wanted it to be and that's mainly thanks to his mental strength. When they say 'if there's a will, there's a way', he's a grand example. Not sure what my reaction will be next sunday. On one hand I've been wishing he'd end his career sooner rather than later because he was starting to become more of a weight to the club and he was indeed starting to piss me off. But he's had such a fabulous career for us... he's probably one of the last living legends we're ever gonna see at this club.
I agree, I don't think we will ever see a player so dedicated to Inter ever again. He is a living example for everyone in the sport and outside of it. Hopefully, he can stay with us, even if it is away from the field, for a very long time.
This season has brought so much change. Moratti gone, now Il Capitano leaving and also a bunch of treble winners. The Inter that we have been used to for the past decade or so is no more.
The legend with no enemies: Is Javier Zanetti the most respected footballer ever? By Carlo Garganese0
06 May 2014 4:12:51 PM COMMENT: The Inter hero announced on Tuesday that he will be hanging up his boots at the end of the season. The Argentine is an icon who has transcended club colours
Football is such a tribal game that it is very rare that you find a player who transcends club colours and national boundaries.
Lionel Messi may be a hero for Barcelona fans and Cristiano Ronaldo an idol for Real Madrid supporters, but even these superstars have plenty of enemies elsewhere.
Javier Zanetti is one of the few icons who is adored by almost everyone.
Even Juventus diehards, aggrieved by the 2006 Calciopoli scandal which has created an unbridgeable divide between the Bianconeri and Inter, have nothing but admiration for the Argentine.
Zanetti is loved because he has epitomised the meaning of class, both on and off the pitch, throughout his incredible 22-year professional career.
As a footballer, ‘Pupi’ will go down in history as one of the greatest full-backs the game has ever seen. Tactically, technically, physically and mentally – he possessed every attribute.
Manchester United hero Ryan Giggs labelled the Argentine as the toughest opponent of his career.
"I faced Zanetti for the first time in the Champions League quarter-finals in 1999, he was the right-back and I was on the left,” the Welshman told Gazzetta dello Sport.
"He impressed with his qualities, his speed, power, intelligence and expertise.
"I played against him twice more and he was my most difficult opponent, a complete player."
What is even more impressive is Zanetti’s longevity. An outfield footballer’s peak usually lasts from five to seven years. In exceptional cases it can be longer, but at the very highest level of the sport it is often much shorter. Take Ronaldinho, for example. During the middle of the last decade, the Brazilian hit heights that merely a handful of players have ever reached. But ‘only’ four or five seasons of his career were actually spent as a truly world class player.
Zanetti maintained such a level for the best part of 15 years. At the age of nearly 37, when Inter defeated Pep Guardiola’s all-conquering Barcelona in the Champions League semis on the way to clinching the treble, the great Lionel Messi barely got a kick in two legs as his countryman put on a defensive masterclass.
His indefatigable consistency over the past two decades has been unhuman. Until he ruptured his Achilles tendon against Palermo just over a year ago – an injury that he never fully recovered from and has restricted him to just 11 appearances this term – Zanetti had averaged 45 club games a season after debuting for Talleres in 1992. It is no surprise that the man nicknamed ‘The Tractor’ holds the all-time appearance record for both Inter, whom he joined in 1995 from Banfield, and the Argentina national team.
As a man, Zanetti embodies everything that is good about football: honour, fair play and respect. Not once did he try to achieve success through foul means. Never did he protest against a referee. Even in the face of injustice and hardship, he retained his dignity.
"He is a player who has made history and I couldn’t think higher of him as a player and a man,” remarked Juventus coach Antonio Conte, never one to hand out compliments lightly.
When Zanetti was snubbed for Argentina’s 2006 and 2010 World Cup squads, on the ludicrous grounds that he brought bad luck, he didn’t complain – even though he had every right to question how the likes of Lionel Scaloni and Jonas Gutierrez had been preferred to him. Ironically, only in Argentina has there ever been debate over Zanetti's quality, but it is a debate the player never became embroiled in.
When Inter and Valencia players were involved in the ugliest of Champions League bust-ups in 2007, punches, kicks and blood flying everywhere, one player rose above all the lunacy.
When the Nerazzurri were, as then coach Roberto Mancini described it, “robbed” by the referee the following year in their European tie with Liverfekkin'wankscum, Zanetti refused to be drawn into the polemics – despite two inexplicable red cards that had conditioned the outcome.
"He is so special and I have never heard him speak badly about anyone. Nowadays there aren't many players like him," former team-mate and Italy World Cup star Roberto Baggio gushed.
"One day he told me that he wanted to be like me. I respond now by saying that I would have liked to be like him."
Zanetti may not have always been the most vocal or motivational but, in the way he carried himself and the example he set to his team-mates, he was the perfect captain. When he lifted the Champions League trophy to the Madrid skies in 2010 after Inter’s 2-0 win over Bayern, there cannot have been one football fan who wasn’t delighted for Zanetti.
“To quit at 41 is a unique sensation, I feel proud of myself, this is the right moment," he told La Nacion on Tuesday.
"I dreamed of ending my career with the Inter shirt, Inter is my house and I'll try to give my contribution off the pitch as well. I'll be a sports manager for the club, a new fascinating challenge. I'm willing to learn again.”
Zanetti will retire this summer as arguably the greatest player Inter have ever had. He will also hang up his boots as one of the most universally respected footballers the sport has ever had the pleasure of seeing.
Probably the worst derby in history. A very very very bad advert for the Serie A. I follow a lot of international football. I honestly think that the Portuguese, Turkish and French leagues are at a better level at the moment. Games are much faster, overall physical condition is better and there you have players who are simply better than those in the Serie A.
Finally a word on our beloved captain. I think it is the right time for him to go ... a thought that went through my head in the derby whilst watching those lazy bastards play. How I wish at least 2 / 3 of them had his personality.
Farewell to our dearest captain ... he will be missed. Thank God we are not Juventus and instead of sending our legend to play with the kangaroos we are making him vice-president. A big well deserved for such a professional and exemplary player.